Project High level View

Project Status – High level Summary

Project Status – High level Summary (Project High level View) can be used to obtain a quick snapshot of the list of projects a particular Project Manager is handling. Mostly, this template is better to be used for your own reference in order to do a quick check-list view to see which project working on which module, who is responsible and the current status of that particular project. (Not recommended to present at the top management / director board meetings). The template can be downloaded using the below URL.

Projects High level Status Review


Project Status - Summary
Project Status – Summary
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Agile Project Management

What is Agile Project Management

The term ‘agile’ comes from the phrase ‘Agility’ which defines the ‘ability to quickly adjust and respond to changing business needs’. Managing projects using the agile methodologies is knows as the Agile Project Management. Agile is a mix of both iterative as well as incremental development.

Agile = Iterative + Incremental


The project life cycle is composed of several iterations in order. Each iteration is considered a mini project and after several iterations, a release happens which builds a stable, tested, partially completed system


System grows partially in each iteration adding new features to the project, hence the system is built incrementally.

In order to follow basic approach of agile, there are 4 general steps to follow.

  1. Make a list of features (Product Backlog) that need to be included
  2. Prioritize the list according to the value and the size of the feature
  3. Build the features from top to bottom until the fixed time is run out
  4. Repeat the process until the entire list is completed

Sometimes certain organizations feel that adapting to 100% agile project management is risky, hence they come up with a hybrid model that combines a part of waterfall methodology as well. This is a smart move since it doesn’t over-compromise both methodologies.

Agile Hybrid Model
Agile Hybrid Model

Agile projects are executed in several stages which include sprintsĀ  and releases. (Refer below image for further details)

Agile Project Stages
Agile Project Stages

Agile Paradigm Shift

Agile methods are ready to welcome / embrace changes to the project (unlike waterfall methodology). Hence, instead of making the ‘Requirements’ a constraint, it works with fixed cost and time and allows the team to build as much as possible during the period of fixed time. And with few iterations and releases, the entire project is built.

Waterfall Methodology Agile Methodology
Requirement is a constraint Schedule and Cost are constraints
Cost and Schedule vary Requirements can vary
Plan Driven Value Driven
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What is a ‘Project’

What is a ‘Project’ in Project Management?

A ‘Project’ is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result. (PMBOK 5th Edition) The term ‘temporary endeavor’ defines that a project has a definite start and end. The project end is achieved once the project objectives are achieved or being terminated due to the impossibility of achieving the said / stated objectives. It also can be terminated if the client / customer wishes to stop. The term ‘temporary’ doesn’t mean that the duration of the project is short, instead, it refers to the longevity of the project.

Each project has to create a unique product, service or a result and the output of a project either can be tangible or intangible. If this is further elaborated,

  • A product can be defined as a component of another item, an upgrade or an enhancement to an item or a new product itself
  • A service or a capability to perform a particular service (E.g.: A new business function)
  • A result such as an outcome or document (A research result)

There are few strategic considerations that lead to authorize the execution of a particular project. Those factors are;

  1. Market demand
  2. Strategic opportunity
  3. Social need
  4. Environmental consideration
  5. Customer request
  6. Technological advancement
  7. Legal requirement

Strategic Consideration


Since the need for a project arises due to one of the above factors, hence project management is a necessary skill which every organization requires in order to survive in this competitive industry.




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